Monday 26 September 2016

Grade 8 Social studies - Presentation schedule

I have decided to add another 2 classes for the inquiry project on the different colonies between 1840-1867. Therefore, here are the dates for the presentations (Note that everyone needs to be ready to present without exceptions!!).

8-1 --> Thursday October 6th

8-2 --> Thursday October 6th

Thank you,

Mme Bernier.

French - Schedule Oral presentations Jeans project

Here is the schedule for the presentations on the "Jeans Identitaires" project:

7-1 -->  Monday October 3rd
7-2 -->  Monday October 3th
7-3 -->  Tuesday October 4th
7-4 --> Monday October 3rd

Everyone must be ready to present. Remember, you must hand in your written piece on that same day. Both will be evaluated.

Thank you,

Mme Bernier.

Friday 23 September 2016

Grade 8 reminder

1) Test --> Introduction Monday September 26th.

2) Lab report due Wednesday September 28th.
- Lab report MUST be typed
- You have to hand in a physical PRINTED copy in a duotang for Wednesday. A lab report in your drive will not do.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Grade 7 French - REMINDER

Please make sure you bring an item of clothing (jeans, t-shirt) for our NEXT CLASS!!!
We will need them for our painting project. Write your name and group # on it.

Remember: if you cannot bring a clothing item, you will need to bring a bristle board to draw on.

Thank you,

Mme Bernier.

Monday 19 September 2016

Science 8-01 - Test intro Lundi le 26 septembre

Liste de révision pour test intro 26 septembre:

  1. Matériel de laboratoire (association)
  2. Parties du microscope
  3. Fonction des différentes parties du microscope (associer la fonction à la composante)
  4. Rapport de laboratoire (connaître les différentes sections)
  5. Présentation powerpoint (notes de cours):

  • Grossissement
  • Comment calculer le grossissement total (tableau)
  • Champ de vision
  • Observations quantitatives/qualitatives
  • *** Question boni sur les pictogrammes de sécurité

Friday 16 September 2016

Grade 7 French

Hello students and parents,

Today in 7-4, we had a very interesting conversation in class regarding the students' outlook on French and on life in general. We discussed the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. I encourage you and your parents to have a look at 3 videos that I used as a resource to prepare this class:

1- MIndset: How you can fulfill your potential by Carol Dweck --> Growth mindset (parts of this video)

2- How to teach growth mindset to students in 5 steps.

3- RSA Animate: How to help every child fulfill their potential.

I will be having this discussion with 7-1, 7-2, and 7-3 next week.

Have a great weekend!!

Mme Bernier.

Saturday 10 September 2016

SOCIAL STUDIES 8-1 & 8-2 - Bring your laptop to class

Social Studies 8-1 & 8-2:

Please bring your personal laptop to class (if you have one). We will be using them every period for the next couple of weeks (except for Monday Sept. 12).

Mme Bernier.

Homeroom 8-1 - reminders

REMINDERS for 8-1 (Homeroom):

1) Science --> reminder to return your signed contracts (signed by you and a parent) for Homeroom Monday. This signature is necessary in order to participate in labs.

2) Consent forms --> please return the 2 consent forms (signed) that were included in your package (1 white, 1 green).

3) Student fees --> reminder to pay your student fees either by cash, cheque or online.

Thank you,

Mme Bernier.